SEO Keyword Research

SEO Keyword Research

Do you know which keywords your customers use to find your dealership? Knowing the answer to his question can help you increase traffic to your dealer website. You need to do researches to discover what keywords people are using to find a car or a dealership.

The main thing to understand in keyword research is not important what you think about your dealership, it’s essential what your customers think. Take a closer look to your website analytics and you will understand what customers are typing into Google. Bing or Yahoo! Always remember, the keywords you select to employ on your dealer website should be relevant to your business.

Optimize each page of your site for the keyword. This includes modification to landing page URLs, headlines and subheadings, title and meta tags, website body. Each of your pages should have a unique short and informative title tag that has directly relation to the content on the page. Resist the temptation to put as many keywords as possible. Use only those that are helpful to users and let them as well as search engines know how this particular page is distinct from the others on your dealer website. Besides, if the title is too long, search engines will show only a part of it.

Automotive SEO services from Autoxloo will optimize your site for high rankings. Our SEO software suite includes an offering or keyword search, keyword niche and keyword grouping features. We offer customizable title tags, keywords and description, customizable URL structure, dynamic vehicle details meta information, keyword optimized image Alt tags and much, much more. Contact us now to get the latest SEO techniques.

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